Secret Santa Poems
*Playful little sayings to add to Secret Santa gifts*
Secret Santa poems need to be:
You want to giggle as you write the poem on your gift tag and you want the gift receiver to chuckle as well.
Secret Santa is an easy way to spread the festive spirit of
Christmas. Anyone can participate and experience the joy of being a
secret gift giver.
Since I love the game I am going to participate in everyone's game, in my own way. Below you will find some Secret Santa poems I have collected (and even written some of them) that I would be tickled to have you use this holiday season.
And if you have any you would like to add to this list please contact me.
Collection of Sayings
What is Secret Santa?
We have had fun reading the sayings above but now let's learn what exactly "Secret Santa" is:
- Larry Dean Stewart was the very first creator of the Secret
Santa idea. He wanted to spread hope during the Christmas season by
random acts of kindness for people.
- Over a 20 year period he did just
that and his Secret Santa actions inspired the rest of the world to
spread hope and joy during Christmas as well.
- Secret Santa is a game that is played around Christmas time. I have
played it numerous times and I love it.
- Whoever wants to
participate signs up and their name is put in a hat. After everyone has
signed up the hat is passed around and each person participating draws
one name out of the hat.
- The name you draw is the person you must buy a
Secret Santa gift for. You don't tell anyone who you have until the
day of the exchange.
- Each day leading up to the exchange you leave a
little gift for the person you drew. With this gift you can leave
little clues or a cute saying to make the game even more fun.
You Try!
Now that you have read these clever sayings and learned about the fun
gift-giving game, take time to revel in the Christmas spirit. Let your
inner child shine through and
then try writing some witty sayings of your own.
Have fun with it and enjoy
the gift of giving this holiday season.
The Secret Santa poems are all done,
but certainly not all the fun.
Continue on to view this site,
chances of boredom are pretty slight.
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